Lawyers Edanur Atlı

Edanur Atlı

Edanur Atlı

Gün + Partners

Practice Areas & Work Department

Corporate and M&A

Dispute Management






Istanbul Bar Association


2017, Law Faculty, İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University, Ankara LL.B.

2013, İhsan Doğramacı Foundation Bilkent Erzurum Laboratory School, Erzurum

Bazı Menkul Satış Sözleşmelerinde Dövizle Ödeme Yasağı Kalktı

Türk Parası Kıymetini Koruma Hakkında 32 Sayılı Karara İlişkin Tebliğ’de (“Tebliğ”) 21 Nisan 2022 tarihinden itibaren geçerli olmak üzere yapılan değişiklikle birlikte, Türkiye'de yerleşik alıcılar için, taşıt sözleşmeleri hariç olmak üzere, menkul satış sözleşmelerinde, sözleşme kapsamındaki tüm ödemelerin döviz cinsinden veya dövize endeksli olarak yerine getirilmesi yönünde bir kararlaştırma yapılması durumunda, bu yükümlülüklerin Türk lirası cinsinden yerine getirilmesi gerektiği yönünde düzenleme yapılmıştı.


Ban on Foreign Currency Payment in Certain Sale of Goods Contracts Lifted

With the amendment made to the Communiqué on the Decree numbered 32 Regarding the Protection of the Value of the Turkish Currency, effective as of April 21, 2022, for buyers residing in Türkiye, except for vehicle sale contracts, in the event that there is an agreement in the sale of goods contracts that all payments under the contract are to be made in foreign currency or indexed to foreign currency, it was regulated that these obligations must be fulfilled in Turkish lira.


Impact of New Minimum Capital Amounts on Trade Registry Applications

With the Presidential Decree No. 7887 published in the Official Gazette dated November 25, 2023 and numbered 32380, the minimum capital amounts for joint stock and limited liability companies have been increased and accordingly, effective from January 1, 2024, the new minimum capital amounts have been determined as TRY 50,000 for limited liability companies, TRY 250,000 for joint stock companies and TRY 500,000 for joint stock companies that have adopted the registered capital system and are not publicly traded.


İnternet Sitesi Açma ve Tescil Ettirme Yükümlülüğü

Türk Ticaret Kanunu’nun (“TTK”) bağımsız denetime tabi kıldığı anonim ve limited şirketler (bağımsız denetime tabi olan şirketlerin hangileri olduğu hakkında detaylı bilgi içeren makalemize ulaşmak için tıklayınız), yine aynı kanunun 1524. maddesi uyarınca, kuruluşlarının ticaret siciline tescili tarihinden veya bu yükümlülüğün yürürlüğe girmesi ile birlikte bu yükümlülük kapsamında girmeleri tarihinden itibaren 3 ay içinde bir internet sitesi açmak ve bu sitenin belirli bir bölümünü şirketçe kanunen yapılması gereken ilanların yayımlanmasına özgülemek zorunda kılınmıştır.


Anonim ve Limited Şirketler için Asgari Sermaye Tutarına ilişkin Mevzuat Güncellemesi

25 Kasım 2023 tarihli ve 32380 sayılı Resmi Gazete’de yayımlanan 7887 sayılı Cumhurbaşkanı Kararı ile anonim ve limited şirketler için asgari sermaye tutarının 5 kat artırılmasına karar verilmiştir.


New Minimum Capital Requirements in Turkey: Impact on Joint Stock and LLCs

With the Presidential Decree numbered 7887 and published in the Official Gazette dated 25 November 2023 and numbered 32380, it has been decided to increase the minimum capital amount for joint stock and limited liability companies by 5 times.


The Period of the Regulation Stating that Certain Loss Items will not be Considered in the Calculation of Capital Loss and Negative Equity is Extended

The Communiqué on the Procedures and Principles Regarding Implementation of Article 376 of the Turkish Commercial Code No. 6102 was amended on December 26, 2020, and it was regulated that certain loss items will not be considered in the calculations made in terms of capital loss or negative equity until January 1, 2023.


Corporate Governance in Turkey 2023 - 3

The size of the board of directors is determined by the company's articles of association or the general assembly. There are no minimum or maximum seat requirements. Vacancies on the board can be filled by appointment of the board or approval of the general assembly. There are no specific criteria for directors, but at least one board member must be a woman in listed companies. Disclosure requirements regarding board composition exist. The CEO and board chair positions can be held by the same person, but their duties must be clearly distinguished. Mandatory board committees include an audit committee, corporate governance committee, risk committee, nomination committee, and price committee. Companies must hold regular board meetings, but no minimum number is required. Board practices, evaluations, and remuneration must be disclosed. Remuneration of directors and senior management is determined by the company and disclosed publicly. Shareholders have a vote on remuneration, and companies may provide directors' liability insurance. The corporate charter and by-laws are publicly available. Companies must disclose information regularly and engage with shareholders during general assembly meetings. Disclosure of corporate social responsibility and CEO pay ratio is required.

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