Contributors Gün + Partners

Gün + Partners was founded in 1986 and is one of the largest law firms in Turkey with 13 partners and over 70 lawyers. The firm is based in Istanbul and provides transactional, advisory, and dispute management services to local and international companies throughout Turkey and assists clients worldwide through its established network of correspondents and contacts.

The firm's core areas of expertise are corporate and commercial, dispute management, and intellectual property. It represents clients in numerous industry sectors with a particular focus on life sciences, insurance and reinsurance, energy, construction and real estate, logistics, technology, media and telecoms, automotive, FMCG, chemicals and the defence industries.

Key Contacts

Intellectual Property, Dispute Management, Life Sciences, Corporate and M&A, Competition, Finance
Data Protection and Privacy, Corporate and M&A, Life Sciences, Competition, Technology, Media and Telecom
Employment, Dispute Management, Business Crimes and Anti-Corruption
Intellectual Property, Trademarks and Designs, Copyrights
Intellectual Property, Trademarks and Designs, Copyrights, IP Prosecution
Intellectual Property, Patent and Utility Models, Insurance and Reinsurance
Corporate and M&A, Life Sciences, Energy and Natural Resources, Insurance and Reinsurance, Construction and Real Estate
Intellectual Property, Trademarks and Designs, Anti-Counterfeiting, IP Prosecution, Copyrights
Intellectual Property, Patent and Utility Models, Life Sciences
Life Sciences, Intellectual Property, Patent and Utility Models, Competition
Intellectual Property, Trademarks and Designs, Copyrights, IP Prosecution, Technology, Media and Telecom
Intellectual Property, Anti-Counterfeiting, Business Crimes and Anti-Corruption, Trademarks and Designs, Copyrights
Intellectual Property, Trademarks and Designs, Copyrights, IP Prosecution, Life Sciences, Technology, Media and Telecom
Intellectual Property, Dispute Management, Life Sciences, Corporate and M&A, Competition, Finance
Intellectual Property, Trademarks and Designs, Anti-Counterfeiting, IP Prosecution
Intellectual Property, Trademarks and Designs, Copyrights, IP Prosecution, Technology, Media and Telecom
Intellectual Property, Anti-Counterfeiting, Business Crimes and Anti-Corruption, Trademarks and Designs, Copyrights
Intellectual Property, Trademarks and Designs, Copyrights, IP Prosecution, Life Sciences, Technology, Media and Telecom
Life Sciences, Intellectual Property, Patent and Utility Models, Competition
Intellectual Property, Patent and Utility Models, Life Sciences
Intellectual Property, Trademarks and Designs, Anti-Counterfeiting, IP Prosecution, Copyrights
Corporate and M&A, Life Sciences, Energy and Natural Resources, Insurance and Reinsurance, Construction and Real Estate
Intellectual Property, Patent and Utility Models, Insurance and Reinsurance
Intellectual Property, Trademarks and Designs, Copyrights, IP Prosecution
Intellectual Property, Trademarks and Designs, Copyrights
Employment, Dispute Management, Business Crimes and Anti-Corruption
Data Protection and Privacy, Corporate and M&A, Life Sciences, Competition, Technology, Media and Telecom
Dispute Management, Employment, Business Crimes and Anti-Corruption, Insurance and Reinsurance, Administrative, Tax and Regulatory, Construction and Real Estate
Life Sciences, Intellectual Property, Trademarks and Designs, Data Protection and Privacy
Intellectual Property, Trademarks and Designs, Copyrights, IP Prosecution, Anti-Counterfeiting, Technology, Media and Telecom
Intellectual Property, Trademarks and Designs, Copyrights, Anti-Counterfeiting, Dispute Management, Employment
Dispute Management, Intellectual Property, Anti-Counterfeiting, Data Protection and Privacy
Intellectual Property, Anti-Counterfeiting, Trademarks and Designs, IP Prosecution, Copyrights
Life Sciences, Intellectual Property, Patent and Utility Models
Intellectual Property, Patent and Utility Models, Life Sciences, Trademarks and Designs
Corporate and M&A, Data Protection and Privacy, Technology, Media and Telecom
Intellectual Property, Patent and Utility Models, Life Sciences, Trademarks and Designs
Corporate and M&A, Data Protection and Privacy, Business Crimes and Anti-Corruption, Competition, Technology, Media and Telecom
Patent and Utility Models, Intellectual Property, Life Sciences
Business Crimes and Anti-Corruption, Employment, Dispute Management, Data Protection & Privacy, Corporate & M&A
Intellectual Property, Trademarks and Designs, Copyrights, IP Prosecution
Intellectual Property, Patent and Utility Models, Trademarks and Designs
Intellectual Property, Trademarks and Designs, Copyrights, Life Sciences, Employment
Intellectual Property, Trademarks and Designs, Anti-Counterfeiting, Copyrights, IP Prosecution
Corporate and M&A, Data Protection and Privacy
Intellectual Property, Anti-Counterfeiting, Trademarks and Designs
Employment, Dispute Management, Business Crimes and Anti-Corruption, Administrative, Tax and Regulatory
Technology, Media and Telecom, Intellectual Property, Trademarks and Designs, Copyrights
Life Sciences, Intellectual Property, Trademarks and Designs, Copyrights
Intellectual Property, Trademarks and Designs, Copyrights, IP Prosecution
Technology, Media and Telecom, Intellectual Property, Copyrights, Trademarks and Designs
Corporate and M&A, Dispute Management, Employment
Intellectual Property, Trademarks and Designs, Copyrights
Intellectual Property, Trademarks and Designs, Copyrights, Anti-Counterfeiting
Corporate and M&A, Data Protection and Privacy
Patents and Utility Models, Intellectual Property, Dispute Management, Life Sciences, Technology, Media and Telecom Corporate and M&A
Intellectual Property, Life Sciences, Corporate and M&A, Patents and Utility Models, Data Protection and Privacy, Employment, Dispute Management, Competition
Intellectual Property, Anti-Counterfeiting, Trademarks and Designs
Intellectual Property, Trademarks and Designs, Copyrights
Intellectual Property, Trademarks and Designs, IP Prosecution, Copyrights
Intellectual Property, Trademarks and Designs, Copyrights
Intellectual Property, Trademarks and Designs, Copyrights, Employment

Does the ‘Long Arm’ of the UPC Reach Turkey?

Selin Sinem Erciyas and Zeynep Çağla Üstün explore whether Turkey, as a non-EU state party to the European Patent Convention, might still face the Unified Patent Court’s jurisdiction under EU regulations.

Gün + Partners

Close Ties Between Competiton And Data Privacy Raises Competiton Concerns

The intersection between competition and data privacy has emerged in recent years.

Gün + Partners

Changes to Minimum Wage, Severance Payments and Administrative Fines in 2025

At the beginning of each year, the minimum wage, severance payments and administrative fines prescribed by the Labour Act are revised.

Gün + Partners

Guidelines on Cross-Border Transfer of Personal Data Published

The long-awaited Guidelines on Cross-Border Transfer of Personal Data, prepared to serve as a guiding document regarding the cross-border data transfers under the Personal Data Protection Law, was published on the website of the Personal Data Protection Authority (on January 2, 2025.

Gün + Partners

Court of Cassation Issues Controversial Decision on Likelihood of Confusion in Dispute Over Pharma Marks

The Court of Cassation has upheld a decision of the Regional Court, confirming that the use of the trademark MIRADERM BATIMER infringed the plaintiff’s trademarks BATIKAR and BATISOL and constituted unfair competition.

Gün + Partners

A New Regulation on the Sanction for Non-Attendance to Mandatory Mediation

The Constitutional Court’s decision dated 14 March 2024 and numbered 2023/160 E., 2023/160 E., 2024/77 K. annulled Article 18/A of the Law No. 6325 on Mediation in Civil Disputes.

Gün + Partners

Developments About Corporate Sustainability in Türkiye

The principle of sustainability initially emerged as a corporate social responsibility notion under the management activities of companies and then, brought along the necessity for companies to act ethically and responsibly towards their stakeholders.

Gün + Partners

Pharmaceuticals, Medical Devices, Digitalization: What Awaits the Healthcare Sectors in the 12th Development Plan and the 2025 Presidential Annual Program?

The 12th Development Plan 2024–2028 and the 2025 Presidential Annual Program set the development goals and strategic policies for various sectors in Türkiye.

Gün + Partners

International Update

The World Health Organization (WHO) gives pharmaceutical substances international non-proprietary names (INNs) so that each substance can be identified by a distinct name.

Gün + Partners

Evaluating Disparaging Practices against Competitors in the Pharmaceutical Sector: A Competition Law Perspective

The competition investigation initiated by the European Commission against Vifor Pharma on June 20, 2022, has attracted attention due to the fact that this is the first investigation in which the act of disparaging competitors will be considered as a violation of competition law alone.

Gün + Partners

Küresel Rekabet için Türkiye'nin Fikri Mülkiyet Stratejisi

Günümüz ekonomisinde, fikri mülkiyet hakları, işletmelerin sürdürülebilir bir ekonomik büyüme hedefi ve küresel piyasalarda rekabet edebilmeleri için kilit bir rol oynuyor.

Gün + Partners

Recent Update on Well-known Trademark Protection in Türkiye

Well-known trademark registry of the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office became a discussion topic after the Turkish Court of Cassation decided in 2020 that the Office has no authority to create and maintain a registry for well-known trademarks.

Gün + Partners

Yapay Zeka ve İlaç Endüstrisi: Geleceği Şekillendiren Teknoloji ve Patent Sistemindeki Dönüşüm

Yapay zeka, hayatımızın her alanına etki ederek pek çok sektörde olduğu gibi ilaç endüstrisinde de devrimsel etkiler yaratmaktadır.

Gün + Partners

Artificial Intelligence and Pharmaceutical Industry: The Transformation in the Technology and Patent System Shaping the Future

Artificial intelligence influences every aspect of our lives and creates revolutionary effects in the pharmaceutical industry as well as in many other sectors. From DeepMind's AlphaGo success to Tempus' personalized approaches to cancer treatment, AI-enabled innovations offer ...

Gün + Partners

İlaç Endüstrisinde Yapay Zeka Destekli Patentler

Yeni bir reçeteli ilacın geliştirilmesi pahalı ve uzun bir süreçtir. Tufts İlaç Geliştirme Araştırma Merkezi’nin bir çalışmasına göre, bir ilacın piyasaya sürülmesinin tahmini maliyeti yaklaşık 2,558 milyar dolardır.

Gün + Partners

Calendarization Process for the Market Authorization of Medicines

The Guidelines for the Calendarization Process of Medicinal Products for Human Use aims to regulate the process for the market authorization applications on medicinal products for human use filed with the Turkish Medicines and Medical Devices Agency.

Gün + Partners

Turkish Court of Cassation’s Highlighting Decisions on Conceptual Similarity Evaluation

In the 1st paragraph of Article 6 of the Industrial Property Law no. 6769, which regulates the relative refusal grounds in trademark registration, the existence of a likelihood of confusion requires the condition of “identicalness or similarity” of the trademarks along with the similarity of the goods and/or services.

Gün + Partners

Biyobenzer İlaçlar ve Patent Tecavüzü Karinesi

Jeneriklere karşı patent haklarının ileri sürülmesi için açılabilecek davaların öncesinde patent hakkı sahibi esasen karanlıkta ilerler. Çünkü özellikle jenerik ilacın kısa ürün bilgisinin henüz yayınlanmadığı veya patentin ihlal edilip edilmediğinin kısa ürün bilgisinde yer alan sınırlı bilgilerle anlaşılamadığı durumlarda ...

Gün + Partners

Beşeri Tıbbi Ürünlerin Ve Özel Tıbbi Amaçlı Gıdaların Tanıtım Faaliyetleri Hakkında Yönetmelik Taslağı İkinci Kez Görüşe Açıldı

Türkiye İlaç ve Tıbbi Cihaz Kurumu, 2024 yılının ikinci çeyreğinde resmi internet sitesinde bir duyuru yayınlayarak Beşeri Tıbbi Ürünlerin ve Özel Tıbbi Amaçlı Gıdaların Tanıtım Faaliyetleri Hakkında Yönetmelik Taslağını dış görüşe sunmuştu.

Gün + Partners

Second Round of Comments on Draft Regulation for Pharmaceutical Promotions

In the second quarter of 2024, the Turkish Medicines and Medical Devices Agency published an announcement on its website, opening the Draft Regulation on the Promotional Activities of Human Medicinal Products and Food for Special Medical Purposes for external comments.

Gün + Partners

From Plant to Pill: Introducing Cannabis to the Pharma Industry

The Regulation on the Cultivation and Control of Cannabis for the Production of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients prepared by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry was published and came into force upon being published in the Official Gazette numbered 32661 dated 13 September, 2024.

Gün + Partners

Enforcement of Foreign Judgments 2025 in Turkey - Part 2

Turkish law does not recognise the concept of personal jurisdiction, and therefore the enforcing court will not conduct such an examination.

Gün + Partners

Enforcement of Foreign Judgments 2025 in Turkey - Part 1

Except for multilateral treaties on family law, Türkiye is not a signatory to multilateral treaties for the reciprocal recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments.

Gün + Partners

A Trade Mark or a Song? Turkish Court of Cassation Casts Some Light on This Distinction

Article 4 of the Law No. 6769 on Industrial Property indicates that sounds can be registered as trade marks if they are capable of being distinguishable for the goods or services of one undertaking from that of another: ...

Gün + Partners

The Supervisory Power of the Re-Examination and Evaluation Board

It is observed that the supervisory power of the Re-examination and Evaluation Board, which is in charge of examining and finalizing appeals against the decisions taken by the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office regarding the registration of IP rights, is in the form of a review of expediency.

Gün + Partners

Applying Presumption of Patent Infingement Against Biosimilars

Before filing lawsuits to assert patent rights against generics or biosimilars, the patent holder essentially operates in the dark.

Gün + Partners

IP in Business Transactions 2024 in Turkey - Part 2

Security can be taken over all main IPRs, namely trade marks, patents, designs, and copyright. In practice, security is commonly taken over trade marks or patents. It is important to conduct detailed due diligence to determine the owner of the IPRs and whether any security has been taken over them.

Gün + Partners

IP in Business Transactions 2024 in Turkey - Part 1

Basis for patent assignment. Under the Intellectual Property Law No. 6769 (IP Law), a patent can be assigned in whole. A patent cannot be assigned in part.

Gün + Partners

Update on the Medical Devices Regulations in Turkey

The main framework for ensuring safety and compliance with the technical specifications is governed by the Law on Product Safety and Technical Specifications No. 7,223, which is an umbrella legislation covering all products intended to be placed on the market, supplied, or placed on the Turkish market.

Gün + Partners

Guideline on Circumstances Requiring Reissue of a Marketing Authorization For a Licensed Pharmaceutical

The transfer of pharmaceutical marketing authorizations entails intricate and interconnected procedures.

Gün + Partners

Implementation of Discovery of Evidence in Patent Law

One of the most important temporary protection measures regulated by Turkish law is the determination of evidence.

Gün + Partners

Food Supplements

With the regulations published in the Official Gazette numbered 32169 and dated April 20, 2023, comprehensive amendments were made to the legislation on the use of health claims for food and food supplements and the use of nutrition claims.

Gün + Partners

The Turkish Court of Cassation Reminds of the Significance of “Vested Rights” in Two Recent Decisions: Frigo V Frico

The concept of “vested rights” is notable in the Turkish trademark law, as it serves as a strong defense against potential refusal of a later mark because of the likelihood of confusion it may create against an earlier one.

Gün + Partners

Interactions with HCPs, Transfer of Values and Payments

The Regulation on the Promotional Activities of Pharmaceutical Products for Human Use, dated July 3, 2015, regulates the promotional activities of medicinal products for human use.

Gün + Partners

Named Patient Program

Named Patient Programs is one of the exceptional pharmaceutical importation regimes for products that are not authorized or authorized but unavailable in the Turkish market for various reasons.

Gün + Partners

Market Access – Alternative Reimbursement Models

In the presence of alternative reimbursement models such as payback, value-based, indication-based reimbursement, performance-based, etc., developed for drug reimbursement systems throughout the world, ...

Gün + Partners

Pricing of Pharmaceuticals and the Fixed Exchange Rate

Due to the rapid increase in the current exchange rates, pharmaceutical prices have been one of the most controversial issues in Türkiye in 2023.

Gün + Partners

Kullan ya da Kaybet! McDONALD’S, “BIG MAC” Markaları için Verdiği Savaşı Genel Mahkeme Önünde Kaybetti

İrlandalı hamburger zinciri Supermac Ltd., McDonalds’a ait olan “BIG MAC” markasına karşı 29, 30 ve 42. sınıflardaki mal ve hizmetler için kullanmama nedeniyle iptal talebinde bulunmuş ve Avrupa Birliği Fikri Mülkiyet Ofisi (“EUIPO”) İptal Birimi, “BIG MAC” markasının kullanımının ispat edilemediğini değerlendirerek 29, 30 ve 42. sınıflardaki tüm mal ve hizmetler için iptaline karar vermişti.

Gün + Partners

İstanbul Bölge Adliye Mahkemesi 20. Hukuk Dairesi’nin 2021/1507 E 2023/1017 K. sayılı ve 2306.2023 Tarihli Kararı Kapsamında Marka Hakkına Tecavüz Davalarında Sessiz Kalma Yoluyla Hak Kaybı İlkesine Bakış

Sessiz kalma yoluyla hak kaybı ilkesi, marka hakkına tecavüz davaları bakımından düzenlenmiş bir kavram olmayıp, yıllar içerisinde doktrindeki görüşler ve yargı kararları ile hatları ve çerçevesi çizilen ve temelde 4721 sayılı Türk Medeni Kanunu madde 2 “dürüst davranma ilkesi” kapsamında anlaşılması gereken bir ilke olup, içinde “çelişkili davranma yasağı”, “kullanımı bilme/bilebilme”, “ciddi kullanım”, “hak düşürücü süre”, “bu sürenin başlangıcı” ve “süreyi kesen fiiller” gibi birçok kavramı barındırmaktadır[1].

Gün + Partners

Guidelines on Packaging Information and Instructions for Use of Pharmaceuticals have been Updated

On June 11, 2024, the Turkish Medicines and Medical Devices Agency announced on its official website that the “Guideline on the Packaging Information and Instructions for Use of Medicinal Products for Human Use”, “Guideline on the Readability of the Packaging Information and Instructions for Use of Medicinal Products for Human Use” and “Guideline on Excipients in the Packaging Information and Instructions for Use of Medicinal Products for Human Use” have all been amended.

Gün + Partners

Bağlantılı Hak Sahiplerinin Korunmasına İlişkin Yargıtay Hukuk Genel Kurulu Kararı

Kamuoyunda Kemal Sunal davası olarak da bilinen telif hukuku uyuşmazlığı, uzun yıllar süren çeşitli aşamalardan geçerek Yargıtay Hukuk Genel Kurulunun kararı ile nihai sonuca bağlandı.

Gün + Partners

Filmlerin Kayıt Tescil Belgesi Alınması ile Tamamlanmış Sayılacağına İlişkin Yargıtay Kararı

Yargıtay 11. Hukuk Dairesi, taraflar arasında imzalanmış olan ortak film yapım sözleşmesinden doğan bir uyuşmazlık kapsamında; sözleşmede filmin ne zaman tamamlanmış sayılacağına ilişkin açık belirleme yapılmadığı durumda ...

Gün + Partners

Corporate Governance and Directors' Duties in Turkey 2024 - Part 2

The principal duties of directors are: • To act prudently and diligently when conducting business and performing their duties and the business of the company. • To monitor and supervise the management and the business of the company to ensure that it complies with the principles of good faith and the interests of the company and its shareholders.

Gün + Partners

Corporate Governance and Directors' Duties in Turkey 2024 - Part 1

The main forms of corporate entity used in Turkey are the: • Limited liability company (LLC). • Joint-stock company (JSC).

Gün + Partners

Work Bearing the Characteristics of Its Author and the Signs of Work

The Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works ("LIAW"), which has been amended many times since its entry into force in 1952, still causes uncertainty and confusion in practice.

Gün + Partners

A Current Plagiarism Debate: “Bit Palas vs. Sinek Sarayı”

“Plagiarism” is not clearly defined in Law No. 5846 on Intellectual and Artistic Works (“LIAW”). Plagiarism, which is defined by the Turkish Language Association as "pilferage," is used in the context of intellectual and artistic works law to mean "to present someone else’s work as your own, taking a piece from someone else’s work without citing the source."

Gün + Partners

Court of Cassation Decision Linking the Completion of Films to Obtaining of the Film Registration Certificate

The 11th Civil Chamber of the Court of Cassation (“CoC”), in the context of a dispute arising out of a joint film production contract signed between the parties, agreed with the first instance court's finding that, ...

Gün + Partners

Artificial Intelligence and Music Industry

One of the most striking developments in the music industry in 2023 was the release of the song “Heart on my Sleeves” by an anonymous user named “Ghostwriter” using the AI-created voices of world-famous singers Drake and the Weekend.

Gün + Partners

Decision on the Protection of Neighboring Rights in Cinematographic Works

The copyright law dispute, also known by the public as the case of famous actor Kemal Sunal, was concluded with the decision of the Court of Cassation General Assembly of Civil Chambers after going through various stages for many years.

Gün + Partners

What Will Be the Fate of the Guarantee Provided for the Preliminary Injunction Decision?

Is the Guarantee Provided for the Preliminary Injunction a Part of the Later Compensation Action Arising from the Unfair Preliminary Injunction?

Gün + Partners

Turkish Legislation Offers Various Solutions to Tackle Trademark Squatting

Similar as in other countries, trademark squatting is also a common problem which foreign brands face in Türkiye.

Gün + Partners

Discount Sale Ads and Loyalty Programs Under the Microscope

The Advertisement Board closely monitors the discount sales campaigns, which have become a tradition in e-commerce, held in November and known as "Legendary November Discounts", "Fabulous Friday Discounts", where discounts at various rates are announced for a large number of products.

Gün + Partners

Advertisement Board’s Power to Block Access was Annulled

The Turkish Constitutional Court annulled paragraph 12 of Article 77 of the Consumer Protection Law, which granted the Advertisement Board the power to partially or entirely block access to websites containing unlawful advertising content.

Gün + Partners

Beşeri Tıbbi Ürünlerin ve Özel Tıbbi Amaçlı Gıdaların Tanıtım Faaliyetleri Hakkında Yönetmelik Taslağı Yayımlandı

Türkiye İlaç ve Tıbbi Cihaz Kurumu, 28 Mayıs 2024 tarihinde Beşerî Tıbbi Ürünlerin ve Özel Tıbbı Amaçlı Gıdaların Tanıtım Faaliyetleri Hakkında Yönetmelik Taslağını resmi internet sitesinde yayımlamış olup Taslağa ilişkin görüşlerin 10 Haziran 2024 tarihi mesai bitimine kadar Kurumun resmi e-posta adresine iletilebileceği duyurulmuştur.

Gün + Partners

A Draft Regulation on the Promotional Activities of Human Medicinal Products and Food For Special Medical Purposes Has Been Published

On May 28, 2024, the Turkish Medicines and Medical Devices Agency (“Agency”) published a Draft Regulation on the Promotional Activities of Human Medicinal Products and Food for Special Medical Purposes (“Draft”) on its official website and announced that opinions regarding the Draft can be delivered to the Agency’s official e-mail address until the end of working hours on June 10, 2024.

Gün + Partners

Recent Changes in the Turkish Commercial Code

With the Law no. 7511 Amending the Turkish Commercial Code and Certain other Laws (the “Amendment Law”), which entered into force after being published in the Official Gazette dated 29.05.2024 numbered 32560, amendments are made primarily to the Turkish Commercial Code numbered 6102 (the “TCC”) and other certain laws.

Gün + Partners

“” Yapısındaki Alan Adlarının Tahsisinde Süreler 7 Ağustos 2024’e Kadar Uzatıldı

Ülkemizde tahsisi halihazırda gerçekleştirilmekte olan “”, “” gibi alan adlarına ek olarak, “” yapısındaki alan adlarının da tahsisi de 14 Eylül 2023 tarihinden itibaren mümkün hale gelmiştir.

Gün + Partners

Time Extension Granted: August 7, 2024 - Allocation of Domain Names in Structure of “”

In addition to domain names such as "" and "", which are already being allocated in Türkiye, allocation of domain names in the structure of "" has also become possible as of September 14, 2023.

Gün + Partners

Corporate Governance in Türkiye 2024 - Part 3

The TCC allows a board of directors to consist of just one member (a real person or a legal entity) assigned by the articles of association or elected by the general assembly.

Gün + Partners

Corporate Governance in Türkiye 2024 - Part 2

A share buy-back system that was already available for listed companies under capital markets legislation has been introduced by the TCC for joint stock companies in exceptional cases. The conditions for the buy-back are as follows (TCC, article 379):

Gün + Partners

Corporate Governance in Türkiye 2024 - Part 1

The Turkish Commercial Code (TCC) dated 13 January 2011 (Law No. 6102) entered into force on 1 July 2012. The TCC has important objectives, such as ensuring transparency, adopting corporate governance standards and introducing internationally accepted auditing and reporting standards.

Gün + Partners

Türkiye's Update: Key Changes in Named Patient Program

Pharmaceuticals that are not authorized in Türkiye or authorized but not available on the market shall be procured from abroad as per a special authorization and on a case by case basis (Named Patient Program-NPP).

Gün + Partners

Kanunî Faiz Oranı, Gecikme Zammı ve Tecil Faizi Oranı Güncellendi

3095 Kanunî Faiz ve Temerrüt Faizine İlişkin Kanun’un (“3095 sayılı Kanun”) 1. maddesi uyarınca Türk Borçlar Kanunu ve Türk Ticaret Kanunu’na göre faiz ödenmesi gereken hallerde, miktarı sözleşme ile tespit edilmemişse bu ödeme yıllık %12 oranı üzerinden yapılır.

Gün + Partners

Update on Legal Interest, Late Payment Fee and Deferment Interest Rates

According to Article 1 of the Law No. 3095 on Legal Interest and Default Interest (“Law No. 3095”), interests to be paid as per Turkish Code of Obligations and Turkish Commercial Code, shall be made at an annual rate of 12%, unless a different contractual rate is agreed.

Gün + Partners

Latest Developments on Administrative Revocation of Trademarks!

While the relevant article regulating the transfer of authority to examine the requests for revocation of trademarks to the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office (“the Office”) was not yet entered into force and there were still a level of uncertainty concerning the procedure, the first development in this regard took place on October 23, 2023 when the Office published and opened the “Draft Regulation for Amendment of the Regulation on the Implementation of the Industrial Property Law” (“Draft Regulation”) for comments.

Gün + Partners

Challenging and Enforcing Arbitration Awards: Türkiye - Part 3

Applying for interim measures under a foreign arbitral award before requesting recognition is controversial, and there are conflicting precedents. Recent precedents favour those applications.

Gün + Partners

Challenging and Enforcing Arbitration Awards: Türkiye - Part 2

While domestic arbitral awards are directly enforceable under the CPL, arbitral awards within the scope of the IAL (where the seat is in Turkey and the matter has a foreign element) are enforced by obtaining a certificate of enforceability from the competent civil court of first instance.

Gün + Partners

Challenging and Enforcing Arbitration Awards: Türkiye - Part 1

Article 14(A) of the International Arbitration Law (IAL) provides that an award must include: — the names, surnames, titles and addresses of the parties, their representatives and lawyers; — the legal grounds on which the award is based and, if there is a claim for compensation, the amount of compensation; — the place of arbitration and the date of the award;

Gün + Partners

Riddle of Applicable Application Fee in Enforcing Foreign Judgments

Under Turkish law, the rules governing the collection of trial fees are regulated by the Law of Fees No. 492 (Law no. 492) and the applicable fees are under Tariff 1 of the Law no. 492. Article 4 of Law no. 492 also explicitly refers to Tariff 1 in terms of the fees applicable in the actions for enforcement of foreign judgments stating that the applicable fee will be determined according to the value, type and nature of the verdict.

Gün + Partners

Reklamlarda Sosyal Sorumluluk Bilincinin Kapsamı Nasıl Değerlendirilir?

Reklam Kurulu, 9 Ocak 2024 tarihli toplantısında, Ticari Reklam ve Haksız Ticari Uygulamalar Yönetmeliği'nin reklamların ekonomik ve sosyal sorumluluk bilinci içinde hazırlanması gerektiğine ilişkin hükmüne ilişkin çarpıcı bir karar verdi.

Gün + Partners

How to Evaluate Social Responsibility in Advertisements?

The Advertisement Board made a striking decision at its meeting on January 9, 2024.

Gün + Partners

Bazı Menkul Satış Sözleşmelerinde Dövizle Ödeme Yasağı Kalktı

Türk Parası Kıymetini Koruma Hakkında 32 Sayılı Karara İlişkin Tebliğ’de (“Tebliğ”) 21 Nisan 2022 tarihinden itibaren geçerli olmak üzere yapılan değişiklikle birlikte, Türkiye'de yerleşik alıcılar için, taşıt sözleşmeleri hariç olmak üzere, menkul satış sözleşmelerinde, sözleşme kapsamındaki tüm ödemelerin döviz cinsinden veya dövize endeksli olarak yerine getirilmesi yönünde bir kararlaştırma yapılması durumunda, bu yükümlülüklerin Türk lirası cinsinden yerine getirilmesi gerektiği yönünde düzenleme yapılmıştı.

Gün + Partners

Ban on Foreign Currency Payment in Certain Sale of Goods Contracts Lifted

With the amendment made to the Communiqué on the Decree numbered 32 Regarding the Protection of the Value of the Turkish Currency, effective as of April 21, 2022, for buyers residing in Türkiye, except for vehicle sale contracts, in the event that there is an agreement in the sale of goods contracts that all payments under the contract are to be made in foreign currency or indexed to foreign currency, it was regulated that these obligations must be fulfilled in Turkish lira.

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Bağımsız Denetime Tabi Şirketlerin Belirlenmesine İlişkin Son Değişiklikler

Bağımsız Denetime Tabi Şirketlerin Belirlenmesine Dair Kararda Değişiklik Yapılmasına İlişkin Karar, 6 Nisan 2024 tarihli Resmi Gazete’de yayımlandı.

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Recent Changes Regarding the Determination of Companies Subject to Independent Auditing

The Decision Amending the Decision on Determination of Companies Subject to Independent Auditing was published in the Official Gazette dated April 6, 2024.

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Türkiye İlaç ve Tıbbi Cihaz Kurumu Tıbbi Cihaz Sektör Belgesi Yayınlandı

Türkiye İlaç ve Tıbbi Cihaz Kurumu (“TİTCK”) tarafından tıbbi cihaz sektöründeki son yıllardaki gelişmeler ile birlikte pazarın mevcut durumunu ortaya koymak üzere hazırlanan Tıbbi Cihaz Sektör Belgesi 4 Nisan 2024 tarihinde TİTCK internet sitesinde yayınlanmıştır.

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Turkish Medicines and Medical Devices Agency Published the Industry Report on Medical Devices

On April 4, 2024, the Industry Report on Medical Devices, prepared by the Turkish Medicines and Medical Devices Agency ("Agency") to present the current state of the market together with recent developments in the medical device industry, was published on the Agency’s website.

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The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Trademark Law

The impact of the spread of artificial intelligence (“AI”) technologies can be seen in many areas of law, including trademark law. The rapid development of AI technologies has given rise to the need to re-evaluate some of the basic practices and concepts of trademark law.

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Torba Kanun ile İlaç Mevzuatında Değişiklikler

1262 sayılı İspençiyari ve Tıbbi Müstahzarlar Kanunu ile 3359 sayılı Sağlık Hizmetleri Temel Kanunu’nundaki klinik araştırma hükümlerinde değişiklik yapılmasını öngören Sağlıkla İlgili Bazı Kanunlarda ve 663 Sayılı Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamede Değişiklik Yapılmasına Dair Kanun 1 Mart 2024 tarihli ve 32476 sayılı Resmi Gazete’de yayımlanmıştır.

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Omnibus Law Amends Pharmaceutical Legislation

On 1 March 2024, the Omnibus Law Amending Certain Laws and Decree Law No. 663 (the “Omnibus Law”), which amends certain provisions of the Law No. 1262 on Pharmaceuticals and Medical Preparations (the “Law No. 1262”) and the Fundamental Law on Healthcare Services No. 3359 (the “Law No. 3359”), was published in the Official Gazette numbered 32476.

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Jurisdictional Conflicts in Global FRAND Cases and the EU's WTO Complaint against China for Alleged Violation of TRIPs

Anti-suit injunctions ("ASI") issued by Chinese courts, which prevent parties of proceedings concerning standard-essential patents ("SEPs") from bringing proceedings against each other in different countries, have become one of the controversial issues in these proceedings, highlighting the "jurisdiction of the court".

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Named Patient Program in Turkey - 2024

Named Patient Program (“NPP”) is one of the exceptional pharmaceutical importation regimes for products that are not authorized or authorized but unavailable in the Turkish market for various reasons.

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Turkish Court of Cassation’s Recent Approach to Public Policy in Enforcement and Setting-Aside of Foreign Arbitral Awards

In general terms, public policy is defined as a set of rules and principles ensuring a smooth conduct of public services, a state’s security and safety, and compliance of the relationship between individuals with the principles of peace and ethics[1]. Due to its conceptual nature and vulnerability to a turmoil of different interpretations, violation of public policy appears as one of the most prevalent counter arguments in enforcement and setting-aside proceedings of foreign arbitral awards. The legislation defines neither the concept of public policy nor the criteria on how it should apply.

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Combating Counterfeit and Smuggled Drugs

Foreign pharmaceutical trademarks, in principle, are registered in the name of the companies in the countries where they are established, and trademark protection procedures are managed by those companies. Although affiliates in Türkiye are not a party to trademark protection proceedings, since they become the marketing authorization holders of the drug, they are considered the relevant addressee of the Ministry of Health (“MoH”) in all transactions related to the product.

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The Relationship Between Virtual and Physical Goods and Services

The development of NFTs, artificial intelligence, and the metaverse has seen many individuals and legal entities start to include virtual goods and services within the scope of their trademarks. Discussions have been widely held about whether virtual goods and services are similar to physical goods and services and under which class these goods and services should be included in the Nice Classification, and the following developments have taken place in this regard.

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Trademark Filing History May Result in Finding of Bad Faith Under Turkish Law

It is widely accepted in the literature[1] and decisions of the Court of Cassation[2] (“CoC”) that an applicant's attempt to create a trademark portfolio by trying to register other well-known trademarks can be sufficient to constitute proof of bad faith.

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Overview of Turkish IP Protection: Navigating Challenges

Turkish IP legislation is mostly in compliance with EU legislation. With the adoption of IP Code No. 6769 back in 2017, it is fair to say that legislation regarding trademarks, designs and patents is in line with international norms and standards. While the legal framework provides a solid foundation for IP rights protection, practical obstacles persist, revealing the need for further improvements.

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Examination of Novelty of Designs in Türkiye

A decision of 29 March 2023 of the General Assembly of the Turkish Court of Cassation has clarified whether the examination of lawfulness of the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office’s decision on absolute novelty of a design is limited to the evidence submitted in the opposition process or whether ex officio examination can be conducted at any phase.

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The Turkish Riviera: A Strategic Battlefield in Combating Counterfeiters

With a coastline of almost 9.000 kilometres and more than 550 Blue Flag beaches, Turkey welcomes millions of domestic and foreign tourists each summer. The most popular area for holidays is the Turkish Riviera, encompassing the cities of Antalya and Muğla, in particular, and some parts of Aydın and Izmir, highlighting the main districts of Alanya, Antalya, Kemer, Fethiye, Marmaris, Bodrum, Kuşadası, and Çeşme, from the south to the west coast of Turkey.

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Impact of New Minimum Capital Amounts on Trade Registry Applications

With the Presidential Decree No. 7887 published in the Official Gazette dated November 25, 2023 and numbered 32380, the minimum capital amounts for joint stock and limited liability companies have been increased and accordingly, effective from January 1, 2024, the new minimum capital amounts have been determined as TRY 50,000 for limited liability companies, TRY 250,000 for joint stock companies and TRY 500,000 for joint stock companies that have adopted the registered capital system and are not publicly traded.

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Gıda ve Takviye Edici Gıdalardaki Sağlık Beyanı Hakkında TİTCK’dan Görüş Talep Edilebilecek

20 Nisan 2023 tarihli ve 32169 sayılı Resmî Gazetede Gıda ve Takviye Edici Gıdalarda Sağlık Beyanı Kullanımı Hakkında Yönetmelik (“Yönetmelik”) yürürlüğe girmiş ve takviye edici gıdaların etiketinde, tanıtımında veya reklamında sağlık beyanı kullanılabilmesi için Sağlık Bakanlığı’na bağlı Türkiye İlaç ve Tıbbi Cihaz Kurumu’ndan (“TİTCK”) izin alınması gerekliliği kaldırılmıştır.

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Agency Opinion on Health Claims in Food and Food Supplements Can Now Be Requested

The Regulation on the Use of Health Claims for Food and Food Supplements (“Regulation”) entered into force as of its publication on the Official Gazette dated 20 April 2023, and numbered 32169; and the requirement for obtaining approval from the Turkish Medicines and Medical Devices Agency ("Agency") under the Ministry of Health for the use of health claims in the labelling, promotion or advertisement of food supplements was abolished.

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Sinema Eserlerinde İktibas Serbestisi

5846 sayılı Fikir ve Sanat Eserleri Kanunu (“FSEK”) kapsamında açılan davalarda intihal bakımından önemli bir standart iktibas serbestisinin sınırlarıdır.  FSEK md. 35’e göre bir eserden iktibas yapılabilmesi için;

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Freedom of Quotation in Cinema Works

With respect to lawsuits filed in the scope of Law No. 5846 on Intellectual and Artistic Works (“FSEK") No. 5846, an important standard in terms of plagiarism is the limits of freedom of quotation.

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Türk Patent ve Marka Kurumu Nezdinde Markaların Kapsamındaki Mal ve Hizmetlerin Sınırlandırılması Uygulaması

Mal ve hizmet listesinin sınırlandırılması noktasında ulusal marka başvuruları ile uluslararası marka başvuruları bağlamında TÜRKPATENT uygulamasında farklılıklar olduğu gözlemlenmektedir. Uluslararası marka başvurularında marka sahipleri markalarının kapsamlarını daha sınırlı ve faaliyet alanlarına özgülemek suretiyle çok spesifik mal/hizmetler için başvurular yapmakta ve markalar bu hali ile TÜRKPATENT tarafından uygun görülmekte iken; yerel başvurularda gerek başvuru aşamasında gerek daha sonra yapılan sınırlandırma taleplerinin daha sıkı şartlara tabi tutularak ve daha dar yorumlandığı ve sıklıkla reddedildiği görülmektedir.

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What Copyright and Trademark Owners Should Know About the Approach to NFTs in the Republic of Türkiye

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have grown in popularity since first entering public consciousness in 2021. They are digital tokens and may represent unique—virtual or real-world—items including songs, artworks, GIFs, virtual game items, videos, and cartoons. NFTs are created using blockchain technology and primarily operate within Ethereum, a blockchain platform with automated (smart) transactions.

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Ecza Depoları Haricinde İlaç İhracatı Yapabileceklere İlişkin Koşullar Yayınlandı

Türkiye İlaç ve Tıbbi Cihaz Kurumu (“TİTCK”) tarafından Ecza Ticarethanesi Haricinde Yapılacak İhracat Koşullarına İlişkin Kılavuz (“Kılavuz”) 29 Aralık 2023 tarihinde yayınlanıp yürürlüğe girmiştir. Bu Kılavuz, kamu sağlığı korunarak, beşeri tıbbi ürünler ile özel tıbbi amaçlı gıda ürünlerinin ulusal ve uluslararası standartlara uygun olarak sevkiyat ve ihracat işlemlerinin gerçekleştirilmesi amacıyla hazırlanmıştır.

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“” Yapısındaki Alan Adlarının Tahsisi

Ülkemizde tahsisi halihazırda gerçekleştirilmekte olan “”, “” gibi alan adlarına ek olarak, “” yapısındaki alan adlarının da tahsisi de 14 Eylül 2023 tarihinden itibaren mümkün hale gelmiştir. “” yapısındaki alan adları, “.com”, “.net”, “.org” gibi uzantıları içermeyip doğrudan “.tr” ülke kodu uzantısına sahip alan adlarıdır.

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Allocation of Domain Names in Structure of “”

In addition to domain names such as "" and "", which are already being allocated in Türkiye, allocation of domain names in the structure of "" has also become possible as of September 14, 2023. Domain names in the structure of “” do not include extensions such as ".com", ".net", ".org", etc. but have a direct country code extension of ".tr".

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Kısmi İhtiyati Tedbir Kararı ile Orijinal İlacın Fiyat Düşüşünün Önlenmesi

Kanunlar ve uluslararası sözleşmeler ile kendilerine tanınmış patent haklarından yararlanmak isteyen ilaç patenti sahiplerinin, bu haklarından sağlıklı bir şekilde yararlanabilmeleri için doğru stratejiyi belirleyerek doğru zamanda doğru adımları atmaları büyük önem arz etmektedir. Zira Sınai Mülkiyet Kanunumuz ile ilaçların ruhsatlandırılması ve bunun için gerekli test ve deneyler de dâhil olmak üzere, patent konusu buluşu içeren deneme amaçlı fiiller patent hakkının istisnalarından bir tanesi olarak düzenlenmiştir.

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Markalar İçin İdari İptal Zamanı Geldi Çattı!

6769 sayılı Sınai Mülkiyet Kanunu’nun (“SMK”) 10.01.2017 tarihinde yürürlüğe girmesine kadar marka haklarına ilişkin olarak prosedürler, mülga 556 sayılı Markaların Korunması Hakkında Kanun Hükmünde Kararname (“KHK”) ile yürütülmekteydi. Marka hakkının sona ermesi hallerinden olan “iptal” müessesi ise her iki mevzuatta da yerini bulmakla beraber, SMK ile Türk Marka Hukukuna büyük bir yenilik getirilmiş olup, markalar hakkında iptal taleplerinin Türk Patent ve Marka Kurumu’ndan isteneceği düzenlenmiştir.

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New Exemption for Procurements of the State Supply Office

With the Law No. 7491 published in the Official Gazette dated 28 December 2023, an additional article 12 was added to the Public Procurement Law (the “Law”). Accordingly, a new exemption has been introduced for procurements of vehicles, vehicle renting, fuel, medicines, medical supplies and medical devices which are to be made by the General Directorate of State Supply Office (“DMO”) on behalf of the administrations.

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Conditions for Pharmaceutical Exporters Other than Pharmaceutical Warehouses is Published

On 29 December 2023, the Turkish Medicines and Medical Devices Agency (“Agency”) has published Guidelines on the Conditions for Pharmaceutical Export Made by Companies Other than Pharmaceutical Warehouses (the “Guidelines”). The Guidelines has been prepared in order to ensure the shipment and export of pharmaceutical products and dietary foods for special medical purpose in compliance with national and international standards, while protecting public health.

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Preventing Price Decreases of Original Pharmaceutical Products with Partial Preliminary Injunctions

Taking the right steps at the right time, with the most appropriate strategy, is significantly important for patent owners of pharmaceutical products wishing to benefit from the related rights granted to them by the laws and international conventions. Indeed, the Turkish Industrial Property Code regulates the exception of patent rights concerning experimental acts in regard to the product subject to the invention, as well as marketing authorization, and the necessary testing and experiments within its scope.

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It’s Time for Administrative Revocation of Trademarks!

Before the Industrial Property Law (IPL) no. 6769 entered into force on 10 January 2017, procedures related to trademark rights were governed by the former Decree Law no. 556 on the Protection of Trademarks (“Decree Law”). In cases where the rights on the trademark shall end, while the matter of “revocation” is established in both legislations, the introduction of the IPL brings a major change to Turkish Trademark Law in this regard: the IPL rules that requests for revocation of trademarks shall be filed before the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office (“the Office”).

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Guidelines on Medical Device Meetings Has Been Updated

On 4 January 2024, the Turkish Medicines and Medical Devices Agency (“Agency”) announced on its official website that the Guidelines on Scientific Meetings and Educational Events to be Held within the Scope of the Regulation on the Sales, Advertisement and Promotion of Medical Devices (“Guidelines”) has been updated.

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Tüketici Değerlendirmelerinde Yakın Takip Dönemi

İnternet üzerinde yapılan alışverişlerde tüketici değerlendirmeleri büyük önem taşıyor. Bu değerlendirmeler sayesinde tüketicilerin satın almayı değerlendirdiği ürün ya da hizmetin özellikleri ile kalitesi bakımından ve müşteriye gösterdiği özen bakımından bir kanaat oluşturması mümkün olabiliyor.

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Aggravated Scrutiny for Consumer Reviews

Consumer reviews are of great importance in online shopping as they enable consumers to form their opinion in terms of the features and quality of the products or services that they consider purchasing and the care and professionalism the sellers and providers present to consumers.

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İnternet Sitesi Açma ve Tescil Ettirme Yükümlülüğü

Türk Ticaret Kanunu’nun (“TTK”) bağımsız denetime tabi kıldığı anonim ve limited şirketler (bağımsız denetime tabi olan şirketlerin hangileri olduğu hakkında detaylı bilgi içeren makalemize ulaşmak için tıklayınız), yine aynı kanunun 1524. maddesi uyarınca, kuruluşlarının ticaret siciline tescili tarihinden veya bu yükümlülüğün yürürlüğe girmesi ile birlikte bu yükümlülük kapsamında girmeleri tarihinden itibaren 3 ay içinde bir internet sitesi açmak ve bu sitenin belirli bir bölümünü şirketçe kanunen yapılması gereken ilanların yayımlanmasına özgülemek zorunda kılınmıştır.

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Yurt Dışından İlaç Temini Usulünde Yapılan Son Değişiklikler

Türkiye’de ruhsatlandırılmamış veya ruhsatlı olmakla birlikte piyasada bulunmayan ilaçlara hastaların ihtiyaç duyduğu durumlarda; söz konusu ilaç, özel izinle yurt dışından ilaç temini olarak adlandırılan istisnai ithalat rejimi ile ülkemizdeki hastalara tedarik edilebilmektedir.

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Alternative Dispute Resolution System for Disputes Arising From ‘.tr’ Extended Domain Names in Türkiye

On 14 September 2022, TRABIS (‘.tr’ Network Information System) took over the management of ‘.tr’ extended domain names with the Regulation coming into force in Türkiye. According to the Regulation, domain names can be allocated as documented or undocumented. Undocumented allocation is carried out within the framework of the ‘first come, first served’ rule. This rule is applied to domain names with the most commonly used extensions such as ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, etc. In the former legislation, it was necessary to prove (with documentation) that the owner of the domain name held another right (for example, trade mark, trade name, etc.) in order to obtain a domain name with the ‘.tr’ extension. Therefore, the Regulation has an innovative perspective in terms of previous practice in Türkiye.

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Recent Changes in the Named Patient Program

Pharmaceuticals not authorized in Turkey or authorized pharmaceuticals not available in the market, shall be procured from abroad as per a special authorization (named patient program) in cases where patients require such pharmaceuticals. While this exceptional import regime for pharmaceuticals was until recently regulated by the Medicines and Medical Devices Agency ("Agency") through guideline, the Regulation on Supply of Pharmaceuticals from Abroad ("Regulation") was published in the Official Gazette dated 3 February 2023 and numbered 32093. The Guideline on Supply of Pharmaceuticals from Abroad ("Guideline"), which contains the guiding provisions regarding the implementation of the Regulation, was once again updated on 22 September 2023, after being updated in April.

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Announcement on Products Not Evaluated as Medical Devices

On 30 October 2023, the Turkish Medicines and Medical Devices Agency (Agency) published an announcement (Turkish language) regarding products that are not considered within the definition of medical device or the scope of the legal framework.

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Turning the Turkish Tide on Rising Tactical Patent Invalidation Actions

Filing patent invalidation actions for tactical purposes such as jeopardising patent infringement actions of patent owners and gaining time by complicating the infringement proceedings has become a common strategy of infringers in recent years. This strategy may cause the patent owner to suffer due to the inability to use its patent properly during the limited protection period of 20 years, even if the invalidity claims do not have a solid basis and they are filed on a ‘try your luck’ basis.

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Anonim ve Limited Şirketler için Asgari Sermaye Tutarına ilişkin Mevzuat Güncellemesi

25 Kasım 2023 tarihli ve 32380 sayılı Resmi Gazete’de yayımlanan 7887 sayılı Cumhurbaşkanı Kararı ile anonim ve limited şirketler için asgari sermaye tutarının 5 kat artırılmasına karar verilmiştir.

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New Minimum Capital Requirements in Turkey: Impact on Joint Stock and LLCs

With the Presidential Decree numbered 7887 and published in the Official Gazette dated 25 November 2023 and numbered 32380, it has been decided to increase the minimum capital amount for joint stock and limited liability companies by 5 times.

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Turizm Amacıyla Konutların Kiralanmasına İlişkin Gelişmeler

7464 sayılı Konutların Turizm Amaçlı Kiralanmasına ve Bazı Kanunlarda Değişiklik Yapılmasına Dair Kanun (“Kanun”), 2 Kasım 2023 tarihinde Resmi Gazete’de yayınlanmıştır. Kanun konutların en fazla 100 gün süreyle kiralanmasına ilişkin şartları ve konutları turizm amacıyla kira verenlerin yükümlülüklerini detaylı şekilde düzenlemekte olup ilgili düzenlemeler 1 Ocak 2024 tarihinde yürürlüğe girecektir. Kanun koyucu tarafından son yıllarda dünyada ve ülkemizde ikincil konutların kısa süreli olarak kiralanması suretiyle turistik konutun yaygınlaşması ve bu hizmetlerin turizm sektöründe yeni bir alt kol haline geldiğini gözeterek turizm sektörünün tek elden ve kapsayıcı bir stratejiyle geliştirilmesi amacıyla konuyu düzenleme ihtiyacı duymuştur. Bu çerçevede, turizm amaçlı kiralanan konutların belgelendirilmesi, bunlardan elde edilen gelirlerin kayıt alınması, kayıt dışı kazancın engellenmesi, konutlarda kalacak kişilerin suç işlemesinin önüne geçilmesi için kimlik bildirme yükümlülüğünün uygulanabilmesi ve eşit bir rekabet ortamı yaratarak turizm sektöründeki tüm paydaşlara güvenilir bir yatırım ortamının oluşturulması hedeflenmektedir.

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Developments Regarding the Renting of Residential Places for Tourism Purposes

The Law No. 7464 on the Renting of Residential Places for Tourism Purposes and Amendments to Certain Laws (the "Law") was published in the Official Gazette on November 2, 2023. The Law regulates in detail the conditions for renting residential places up to 100 days and the obligations of those who rent their premises for short terms for tourism purposes. The relevant provisions of the Law will come into force on January 1, 2024.

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The Period of the Regulation Stating that Certain Loss Items will not be Considered in the Calculation of Capital Loss and Negative Equity is Extended

The Communiqué on the Procedures and Principles Regarding Implementation of Article 376 of the Turkish Commercial Code No. 6102 was amended on December 26, 2020, and it was regulated that certain loss items will not be considered in the calculations made in terms of capital loss or negative equity until January 1, 2023.

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Ticaret Unvanı Marka Hakkına Tecavüz Teşkil Eder Mi?

Önceki tarihli tescilli bir markanın, başka biri tarafından ticaret unvanı ve işletme adı olarak kullanılmasının ve tescilinin, ticaret unvanının ayrıca bir markasal kullanımının bulunmadığı durumlarda, marka hakkına tecavüz yaratıp yaratmadığı, hem 556 sayılı Kanun Hükmünde Kararname (“KHK”) hem de Sınai Mülkiyet Kanunu (”SMK”) döneminde bir çok uyuşmazlığa konu olmuş, mahkemeler yürürlükteki mevzuat hükümlerini ve somut uyuşmazlığın şartlarını dikkate alarak farklı yönlerde karar vermişlerdir.

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Can Trade Names Lead to Trademark Infringement in Turkey?

Whether a trade name or business name can create trademark infringement and unfair competition, particularly in cases where the trade name is not used as a trademark, is a controversial issue in Turkey. This issue has been subject to numerous disputes under both Decree Law No. 556 Pertaining to Protection of Trademarks and the Industrial Property Code (the IP Code). The courts, by considering the applicable provisions of the legislation in force, as well as the specific facts of each dispute, have rendered decisions on this topic.

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Minority Shareholders' Rights in Joint Stock Companies

In order to prevent the majority shareholders, who hold the superiority of capital and voting in the management of joint stock companies, from executing unfair and unjust acts against the minority shareholders and violating the rights of the minority shareholders, the legislator has granted some special rights to the minority shareholders and allowed them to protect their interests against the decisions taken with the influence of the majority.

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Eserin Sahibinin Hususiyetini Taşıması - Selvi Boylum Al Yazmalım

Yargıtay 11. Hukuk Dairesi’nin 24.05.2022 tarih ve 2020/8509 E. 2022/3996 K. sayılı kararı, hem eserin alametleri ve eserlerin sahibinin hususiyetini taşıması hususlarının incelenmesi açısından hem de Fikir ve Sanat Eserleri Kanunu’nda özellikle sinema eserlerine ilişkin olarak yapılan değişiklikler bakımından son derece yol gösterici ve açıklayıcı bir karar olmuştur.

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Kullanılmayan Markaların İptali Noktasında Yetki Devri İçin Geri Say