Lawyers Bilge Derinbay

Bilge Derinbay

Bilge Derinbay

NSN Law Firm

Bilge Derinbay is a Partner in NSN Law Firm where she provides dispute resolution and transactional consultancy to local and international clients in Commercial and Corporate Law, Life Sciences Law, Copyright, Advertising, Media and Entertainment Law and Personal Data Protection Law.

Derinbay has over 20 years of experience assisting local and multinational companies operating in the sports marketing, information technologies, pharmaceuticals, and medical devices sectors, helping develop commercial strategies, operating multinational investment and compliance projects, and representing them before administrative and legal bodies. She is frequently consulted for her copyright, media, and advertising law expertise and regularly publishes in numerous international journals.

Practice Areas & Work Department

Commercial and Corporate Law

Advertising, Media and Entertainment Law

Product Liability

Data Protection Law

Information Technologies Law

Anti-Corruption and Compliance


English, French


Istanbul Bar Association

Advertising Board 2024 Annual Review: Key Developments

The Advertising Board has published the Advertising Board 2024 Annual Report on February 6, 2025. The Report compiles key decisions issued by the Board throughout 2024, oversight activities conducted, and sectoral evaluations, presenting them to the public.


Dijital Platformlarda Kullanım Koşullarının Hukuki Çerçevesi

Dijital platformların günlük hayatımızdaki artan etkisi, bu platformları kullanan bireyler ve hizmet sağlayıcılar arasındaki hukuki ilişkilerin niteliğini de giderek daha önemli hale getirmektedir.


Legal Framework of Terms of Use on Digital Platforms

The increasing influence of digital platforms in our daily lives has made the legal relationship between individuals using these platforms and service providers more significant.


2025'te Reklam İhlallerine Ağır Yaptırımlar: Mecralara Göre İdari Para Cezaları

6502 Sayılı Tüketicinin Korunması Hakkında Kanunun 77. Maddesine Göre 2025 Yılında Uygulanacak Olan İdari Para Cezalarına İlişkin Tebliğ 20.12.2024 tarihli Resmi Gazetede yayımlanmıştır.


2025 Brings Steep Penalties for Advertising Breaches: Fines Across Media Platforms

The Communiqué on Administrative Fines Applicable in 2025 Pursuant to Article 77 of the Consumer Protection Law No. 6502 (was published in the Official Gazette dated December 20, 2024.


Reklamlarda Kullanılan Görsellerdeki Telif Sorunu

Reklamlar, görsel ve işitsel unsurların yaratıcı bir şekilde bir araya gelmesiyle hedef kitlelere ulaşmayı amaçlayan güçlü birer iletişim aracıdır.


Copyright Issues in Visuals Used in Advertisements

Advertisements are powerful communication tools designed to reach target audiences by creatively combining visual and auditory elements. In this context, commercial films and the photographs used in them play a crucial role in effectively conveying brand messages.


Reklam Kurulu Kararları Serisi - 12

Reklam Kurulu Başkanlığı tarafından 13.08.2024 tarihinde yapılan 348, 10.09.2024 tarihinde yapılan 349 ve 08.10.2024 tarihinde yapılan 350 sayılı Kurul toplantıları kapsamında önemli noktalara işaret eden kararlar ...

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