Can Artificial Intelligence Replace People in Legal Professions?
There are types of people such as a real person and legal entity in law, and there are also types of artificial intelligence determined by its level of development. Types of AI can be divided into weak artificial intelligence, strong artificial intelligence and super artificial intelligence.
CBAM Compliance: Key Corporate Obligations in Focus
The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (“CBAM”) is a system implemented to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and prevent carbon leakage. The European Council and Parliament adopted the legislation on 10 May 2023, which subsequently entered into force on 17 May 2023.
Artwork Status of Products Made by Artificial Intelligence
With the rapid development of technology in the 21st century, Artificial Intelligence (“AI”) is becoming an integral part of our lives. While technology used to be limited to phones, computers, and televisions up until fifteen years ago, after the rapid advancement of technology has introduced various systems, such as AI, into our lives.
What Is the Role of Terms of Reference in the Transactions of International Arbitration Law. A Comparative Analysis Between ICC Arbitration Rules and the Code of International Arbitration in Turkey, Law No:4686
During the international arbitration jurisdiction, if the sides of the relevant dispute want to detect some procedural issues, the arbitrators and sides of jurisdictions exactly can prepare terms of reference for detecting the borders during the jurisdiction.
An Overview of the Decision of the 5th Chamber of the Council State 2013/5342 E.2013/9525K.
The case emerged from taking fingerprints of workers to ensure their attendance during working hours. Plaintiff objected to the usage of fingerprints instead of the card-reading system to detect whether they attanted work during working hours.
Crime of Theft in Turkish Criminal Law
Crime of Theft is regulated in the 141st paragraph of the Turkish Criminal Code. According to this, ‘’Any person who appropriates removable property, from its place, which belongs to another, without the consent of the individual in whose possession it is, in order to derive benefit for himself/herself, or a third party, shall be sentenced to a penalty of imprisonment for a term of one year to three years’’.
Following the Money: The Germany-Türkiye-Anti Money Laundering (AML) / Countering the Financing of the Terrorism (CFL) Regulations – Insights and Implications
Money laundering is mostly an international crime, where the perpetrators try to incriminate the origin of the money from a criminal activity by smuggling it into the legitimate economy.
International Criminal Court Seeks Arrest Warrants for War Crimes in the Situation in the State of Palestine
On Monday, May 20, 2024, the Office of Prosecution of the International Criminal Court (ICC) requested a pre-trial chamber to issue arrest warrants for leaders of Hamas and Israel on charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity.