Lawyers Can Güner

Can Güner

Can Güner

Biçer Güner Attorneys at Law

Can is the founding partner of Biçer Güner. Can was admitted to Istanbul Bar Association, after obtaining an LL.B degree from Marmara University, Faculty of Law in 2009. Can has more than 15 years of experience in providing top-notch legal services to his multinational clients. Can advises his clients in a one-stop shop manner and provides top-quality legal assistance. Can combined international corporate legal practice and knowledge of litigation and gained extensive experience in strategic planning for avoiding legal risks proactively and resolving disputes with the most favourable outcomes. Can developed significant legal capability to secure and enforce all remedies available to clients.

Can established an excellent track record in pursuing civil, criminal and administrative lawsuits relating to media and entertainment, press law, commercial matters, breach of contract, intellectual property, unfair competition, enforcement and bankruptcy proceedings, employment law, debt collection, consumer protection law, code of obligations as well as constitutional law and fundamental human rights.

Can provides extremely technical legal guidance relating to both individual and collective employment law as successfully represented clients during negotiations of collective bargaining agreements with unions and handled their employment law matters of all levels, including but not limited to, issues relating to local or cross-border transactions. Can is also specialized in contracts law and embodied diverse legal expertise and practice in both drafting and negotiating contracts as a result of assisting clients with a wide range of contracts.

Can has extensive experience in M&A transactions, joint ventures, group restructurings with a focus on providing legal risk assessments in relation to intellectual properties, litigation, employees, contracts, regulatory, compliance and structuring share purchase agreements to eliminate or mitigate exposures.

Can also focuses on compliance reviews and legal audits to determine both criminal and civil law risks in cases of white-collar irregularities. Can successfully manages legal exposures and navigates his clients out of challenging situations. Can assists his clients with data protection related matters and constructions and permits too.

Throughout his career, Can successfully assisted multinational clients from the sectors of media and entertainment, news, computer, technology, energy, medical equipment, automotive parts, food, beverage, household products, telecommunication, social media, cosmetic, petroleum, paint, chemistry, beauty products, jewellery, textile, retail sales, accumulator, medical equipment, transport, aviation.

Practice Areas & Work Department

Dispute resolution

Administrative Law


Intellectual Property


Press Law

Enforcement and Bankruptcy






Istanbul Bar Association  

Latest Developments in Media

Pursuant to the provisional Article 4 of Law No. 6112 on the Establishment of Radio and Television Enterprises and Their Media Services, the annual channel and frequency usage fees for radio and television organizations broadcasting in terrestrial environments ...


2025 Broadcasting and Transmission Fee Tariffs Determined

The coefficient for the annual usage fees of television channels and radio frequencies to be collected from radio and/or television broadcasters operating in terrestrial environments in 2025 has been determined as 6.582637.


Advertising Board Imposed Sanctions on November Discounts

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Gündüz Kuşağı Programlarına Yeni Etik İlke Kararları

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New Ethical Principle Decisions for Daytime Programs

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Dijital Platformların Abonelik Süreçlerine Reklam Kurulu Tarafından Durdurma Cezaları Uygulandı

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Advertising Board Imposes Suspension Penalties on Subscription Processes of Digital Platforms

At the 349th meeting of the Advertisement Board under the Turkish Ministry of Trade, held on September 10, 2024, advertisements and practices affecting consumers' interests and economic preferences were evaluated.


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